Terms and Conditions


1. These Regulations define the general terms and conditions for using the Services provided through the Rayzza Platform, which includes the Application and the Website.
2. Definitions used in the Regulations:
1) Application - the Rayzza mobile application available in the Google Play and AppStore stores.
2)Trip Code -- A code assigned to a specific Trip, provided by the Organizer to Users to join the Trip.  
3) Account - the space made available to the User on the Platform after Registration, in accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Services Agreement, allowing the User to use the Platform's functionalities.
4) Organizer - a User who is a natural person, entrepreneur, or other organizational entity who creates and organizes Trips through the Platform for other Users to participate in, using the Platform's functionalities, including by sending an Invitation with a Trip Code.
5) Platform - the platform that enables the provision of services provided by Rayzza through the website https://www.rayzza.com/ and through the Application. Detailed information about the Platform and its functions can also be found at: https://www.rayzza.com/
6) Privacy Policy https://www.rayzza.com/
7) Core Functionalities - functionalities of the Platform that allow you to create your own Trip, providing all its details (description, program, photos, information, links, and payment information) and to invite other Users to it, as well as allowing the User to join a Trip in connection with receiving a Trip Code from the Organizer.
8) Profile Rayzza - functionalities of the Platform that allow you to create your own Trip, providing all its details (description, program, photos, information, links, and payment information) and to invite other Users to it, as well as allowing the User to join a Trip in connection with receiving a Trip Code from the Organizer.
9) Rayzza!Pro - a paid Account option on the Platform that allows Users to access additional Platform functionalities.
10) Regulations - these terms of service. This document also constitutes the terms of service provided electronically, as referred to in Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means.
11) Registration - a paid Account option on the Platform that allows Users to access additional Platform functionalities.
12) Website - these terms of service. This document also constitutes the terms of service provided electronically, as referred to in Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means . https://www.rayzza.com/
13) Electronic Services Agreement - an agreement between Rayzza and the User concluded remotely for the provision of Services electronical through the Platform at the time the User accepts the Regulations and registers an Account. The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.
14) Services User - a natural person, legal entity, or entity without legal personality, to whom the law grants legal capacity, using the Platform and/or the services provided through it.
15) Tripthrough the Platform at the time the User accepts the Regulations and registers an Account. The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.
16) Technical requirements - minimum technical requirements enabling the use of the Platform:a device with Internet access with an up-to-date operating system (for the Application, respectively: Android - minimum system version: 8.0, IOS - minimum system version: 13);an installed and properly configured and up-to-date version of the web browser when using the Platform through it;an active email account.
17) Invitation - a natural person, legal entity, or entity without legal personality, to whom the law grants legal capacity, using the Platform and/or the services provided through it.
3. Using the Platform requires accepting all the provisions of the Regulations. By starting to use any functionality of the Platform, the User agrees to all its terms and undertakes to comply with them.
4. Using the Platform requires that the device used for this purpose, as well as its IT system, meet the Technical Requirements.
5. Rayzza informs that using the Platform through a web browser, including contacting Rayzza via email, may result in charges for Internet connection according to the User's Internet service provider's plan.
6. To begin actively using the Platform (understood as full use of the Services), the User is required to Register an Account by filling out the appropriate registration form on the Platform or through the Google or Apple service using a previously held account in any of these services by the User.
7. Performing the actions mentioned above is conditioned on the User's prior acceptance of these Regulations and the Privacy Policy.
8. Upon Account Registration, the User enters into an Electronic Services Agreement with Rayzza.
9.The User may delete their Account at any time, which is equivalent to terminating the Agreement. Account deletion is automated by clicking the DELETE button in Account Settings. Deleting an Account does not automatically terminate or otherwise end the Services that were started before the Account deletion and whose term has not yet expired. Deleting an account will anonymize the User's data and make it impossible to restore the account.
10. To delete your account and all associated data (including: all your profile data, activity history, transaction history, photos, and messages) , the user goes to their Profile in the application or on the website, selects Settings, clicks the [...] button, and then selects the "Delete account" option or by sending request to the e-mail contact@rayzza.com.
11. Rayzza may terminate the agreement with the User without notice for important reasons, understood as:
1) Changes to the legal regulations governing the provision of electronic services by Rayzza, affecting the mutual rights and obligations specified in the agreement concluded between the User and Rayzza or a change in the interpretation of the above legal regulations as a result of court rulings, decisions, recommendations or recommendations of the relevant authorities or bodies in this area;
2) A change in the method of providing Services caused solely by technical or technological reasons;
3) A change in the scope or provision of services to which the provisions of the Regulations apply, by introducing new, modifying or withdrawing by Rayzza the functionalities or Services covered by the Regulations.
12. The statement referred to in point 11 above, Rayzza sends to the email address associated with the User's Account.
13. Only the User who has registered can use the Account.
14. Data Management in the Application. You can submit a request to delete specific data collected by the developer in this application without deleting the entire account by sending e-mail to contact@rayzza.com. This data may include, for example, profile data, activity history, transaction history, photos, and messages.


1. The Platform is available in two options: Basic Functionalities and Rayzza!Pro.
2. Through the Platform, Rayzza provides Services that enable Users to participate in Group Trips, both for individuals and companies in the tourism industry, through:
a) The creation of their own Trips by Organizers, providing all Trip details including a description, program, photos, additional information necessary to join the Trip, as well as payment details, and sending Invitations to join the Trips to Users.
b) The editing and deletion of Trips by Organizers as referred to in point a.
c) Users joining Trips.
d) Communication between Users through the Platform regarding Trip planning and organization, including sending messages by Organizers to Users who have decided to join the Trip.
e) Maintaining a list of Users who have decided to join the Trip and who have paid for the Trip by Organizers.
f) Reviewing the Profiles of Users who have decided to join the Trip by Organizers.
g) Providing Users with payment details for the Trip by Organizers.
h) Sending automatic push notifications to Users about information and changes related to the Trip.
3. The use of the Platform in terms of Basic Functionalities, as referred to in paragraph 2, is free of charge.
4. Within the Basic Functionalities, Organizers are entitled to send a maximum of 3 messages to Users who have decided to join the Trip, as referred to in paragraph 2 point d. Sending a larger number of messages is possible after activating Rayzza!Pro, in accordance with paragraph 5.
5. The services available within Rayzza!Pro include:
a) Sending an unlimited number of messages by Organizers to Users who have decided to join the Trip.
b) Using automatic push notifications sent on behalf of the Organizer to Users who have decided to join the Trip in the form of a payment deadline reminder, in the event that the Organizer has set a final payment deadline (applies to the Application).
6. Platform usage with the functionalities specified in paragraph 5 offered by Rayzza!Pro. Payment for Rayzza!Pro is made in one of three models:Monthly subscription:
a) An automatically renewing monthly subscription with a 2-week trial period. The 2-week trial period means that upon first selecting the Rayzza!Pro option, for the first 2 (two) weeks starting from the day the Rayzza!Pro option is activated, the User has the possibility of using all Rayzza!Pro functionalities for free and the possibility of canceling Rayzza!Pro at any time. If canceled within the specified period, no payment will be charged. If the User does not cancel Rayzza!Pro, after the expiration of 2 (two) weeks from the first activation of Rayzza!Pro, an automatically renewing subscription is activated every month. The User has the right to cancel the subscription at any time. In case of cancellation of the subscription, the User has the possibility of using Rayzza!Pro until the end of the current billing cycle.
b) Annual subscription: An automatically renewing annual subscription with a 1-month trial period. The 1-month trial period means that upon first selecting the Rayzza!Pro option, for the first month starting from the day the Rayzza!Pro option is activated, the User has the possibility of using all Rayzza!Pro functionalities for free and the possibility of canceling Rayzza!Pro at any time. If canceled within the specified period, no payment will be charged. If the User does not cancel Rayzza!Pro, after the expiration of a month from the first activation of Rayzza!Pro, an automatically renewing subscription is activated every year. The User has the right to cancel the subscription at any time. In case of cancellation of the subscription, the User has the possibility of using Rayzza!Pro until the end of the current billing cycle.
c) Single Trip payment: Allows the User to select any one specific Trip and activate Rayzza!Pro functionalities for that Trip, which remains active until the last day of the Trip.
7. Management of the subscription referred to in paragraph 6, as well as payment for Rayzza!Pro, is done through Google Play or AppStore. After selecting the purchase option on the Platform, the User is redirected to Google Play or AppStore, where they make the purchase and cancel the subscription, according to the instructions of the indicated store.
8. The use of Rayzza!Pro Services by Users is subject to a fee in accordance with the Price List posted on the Rayzza website.
9. Rayzza reserves the right to modify subscription prices. All price changes apply only to new subscriptions and do not affect previously purchased subscriptions. The fee for an active subscription will remain unchanged until the subscription is canceled or expires.T
10. he Platform is designed for the global market and is available to Users from different countries. The Application interface automatically adapts to the language set on the User's phone. Rayzza!Pro prices may vary for different countries.


1. In order to create a Trip, the Organizer must fill out the Trip creation form and confirm the creation of the Trip by clicking the "Add Trip" button.
2. The Organizer is obliged to provide information that allows the Trip to be identified by filling in the appropriate fields in the form.
3. During the creation of the Trip, the Organizer is informed that the Trip will be accessible only to Users invited by him or her.
4. After the Trip is created, the Platform generates a unique Trip Code, which allows the User to join the Trip created by the Organizer.
5. The Organizer has the option to invite a User to join the Trip by providing him or her with the unique Trip Code mentioned in paragraph 4. The Trip Code can be shared with a User who has an Account on the Portal, as well as with a person who does not have an Account. The condition for joining the Trip is the creation of an Account.
6. A User joins an existing Trip by entering the Trip Code from the invitation in the appropriate field on the Platform. After entering the Trip Code, the User receives information about the details of the Trip added by the Organizer, in accordance with paragraph 3. The Organizer is notified when a User joins the Trip.
7. By creating a Trip, the Organizer agrees to the publication of their Profile information provided during registration, along with the information mentioned above.
8. The profile of the User who has decided to join the Trip, along with the information they provided during registration, is visible to the Organizer.
9. Users and Organizers have the option to use automatic push notifications about new information and updates regarding the Trip (applies to the Application) that they have decided to join or organize. To do this, the User must make the appropriate settings on their Account.


1. Rayzza is the controller of Users' personal data.
2. Users' personal data collected by Rayzza through the Platform will be processed for the purposes and on the principles specified in the Privacy Policy.


1. It is forbidden to post on the Platform any content that is illegal, contrary to good morals, infringes the rights or goods of third parties, including intellectual property rights and personal rights, untrue, potentially harmful to other Users, potentially harmful to Rayzza's business and reputation, capable of negatively impacting the Platform's operational security.
2. In case of violation of the aforementioned provisions, Rayzza is entitled to temporarily block or permanently delete (at its discretion) the Account of the User who commits such a violation.
3. The User bears full responsibility for the content they post on the Platform, as well as for any damages arising from the User's violation of generally applicable legal provisions or the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
4. The User is aware of the risks associated with the Internet, such as the possibility of computer virus infection or takeover of the User's account password and the resulting damages. Therefore, the User is obliged to protect login data from being obtained by third parties, including by not disclosing it to such persons.
5. In the event that the User becomes aware of the occurrence or possibility of the occurrence of the threats mentioned above, the User is obliged to immediately notify Rayzza by sending an email to the following address: contact@rayzza.com
6. Rayzza will make every effort to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the Platform. However, Rayzza reserves the right to interrupt the operation of the Platform, in particular in connection with technical work on the Platform or with possible failures.
7. Rayzza informs that the failure to meet the requirements specified in these Terms and Conditions by the equipment or network used by the User, as well as other problems or technical limitations of such equipment or network, may limit or prevent the User's access to the Platform or negatively affect the quality and continuity of use of the Platform.
8. Rayzza is not responsible for the content of websites and online services to which links have been placed on the Platform, which do not belong to Rayzza or are not managed by it.
9. Rayzza is not responsible for the improper operation of the Platform or the provision of services in a manner inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions, which is due to reasons beyond Rayzza's control (e.g., force majeure or the actions of third parties) and the User's use of the Platform or services in a manner inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions.
10. Rayzza is not responsible for any damages (actual damage and damage in the form of lost profits) of Users arising from the use of the Platform, including in the scope of the implementation of Trips.
11. Rayzza declares that it is not a tourist organizer within the meaning of the Act of 24 November 2017 on tourist events and related tourist services and, in this regard, does not bear responsibility for any damages resulting from the non-implementation or improper implementation of a Trip.


1. Users have the right to file complaints regarding the functioning of the Platform and the Services provided by Rayzza.
2. Complaints should be submitted electronically to the following email address: contact@rayzza.com.
3. The complaint must include at least the following information:
a) User's name
b) User's email address used to register their account
c) Description of the subject of the complaint
4. Rayzza will review a properly submitted complaint within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt for complaints submitted by Users who are consumers and within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt for complaints submitted by other Users. If the information and data provided in the complaint require supplementation, Rayzza will promptly call upon the User to supplement them, and the time limit for Rayzza to review the complaint will run from the date of proper supplementation of such data and information by the User.
5. Rayzza will provide the User with a response to the complaint and will contact the User regarding the complaint at the User's email address used to register their Account or at the address indicated by the User.
6. The response to the complaint constitutes the final decision of the internal complaint procedure.


1. Disputes between Rayzza and the User will be resolved amicably. If an agreement is not reached within 30 (thirty) days from the date one party informs the other of the reasons for the dispute, it may be referred to court.
2. The User may also use the ODR platform, which is available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. The platform is used to resolve disputes between consumers and businesses seeking out-of-court settlement of a dispute concerning contractual obligations arising from an online sales contract or a service provision contract.
3. Users who are consumers have the possibility of using an out-of-court method of handling complaints and pursuing claims before the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court at the Voivodship Inspectorate of Trade Inspection in Warsaw. Information on how to access this mode of dispute resolution can be found at the following address: https://polubowne.uokik.gov.pl/.


1. Rayzza is entitled to modify the Terms and Conditions, particularly for the following reasons:
a) To adapt the provided Services to legal regulations, decisions of relevant public authorities, or court rulings that necessitate modifications to the Terms and Conditions to ensure compliance with law.
b) To improve the functionality of the Platform, including introducing new Services or modifying existing Platform or Service functionalities.
c) To enhance the security of the Platform.
d) To update the telecommunications and registration data included in the Terms and Conditions.
e)To eliminate any ambiguities or errors in the Terms and Conditions.
2. Users will be informed about changes to the Terms and Conditions via an email sent to the address provided during account registration on the Platform, at least 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the new version of the Terms and Conditions comes into effect.
3. If a User disagrees with the new version of the Terms and Conditions, the User is obliged to cease using the Platform after the date of the change. The modified Terms and Conditions are binding for Users who do not terminate the Agreement before the effective date of the modified Terms and Conditions.
4. For matters related to the Platform's operation, Users can contact Rayzza by sending an email to the following address: contact@rayzza.com
5. A User who is a consumer or a natural person entering into an agreement with Rayzza directly related to its business activities, when it results from the content of this agreement that it does not have a professional character for this person, may withdraw from it within 14 days from the conclusion of the agreement without giving a reason. Withdrawal from the agreement is automated by deleting the Account by clicking on the appropriate place in the Account Settings.
6. Withdrawal in the manner described in the preceding paragraph is not possible if, before the expiry of this period:Rayzza has fully performed a given paid service; orin the case of paid services, the subject of which is the delivery of digital content not provided on a physical medium, for which the consumer is obliged to pay the price, Rayzza will begin providing such services;In the cases described in paragraph 6 above, the User is aware that they lose the possibility of withdrawing from the agreement within the period specified in paragraph 5.
7. In the event of any part of the Terms and Conditions being inconsistent with applicable law, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply in place of the disputed provision of the Terms and Conditions.

Rayzza! is owned and operated by Rayzza! Sp z o.o. You can contact us at the following address: Rayzza! Sp z o.o. ul. Puławska 12/3 02-566 Warszawa KRS (National Court Register) Number: 0001047793 REGON (National Official Business Register) Number: 525781459 NIP (Tax Identification Number): 5214028352 DUNS Number: 989504029

Copyright © Rayzza.com 2024